While Loop In Function Sql Server
What I am trying to accomplish is a kind of 'Inventory Aging'. I need to see the transactions that make up the current Qty on Hand. I can do this this a WHILE loop or Cursor but that would be very slow on thousands of items and hundreds of thousandsof transactions.Using the sample data below, I want to return the transaction records for item 'ABC123' in Location 'CA' that make up the current Qty on Hand of 100. That would be all but the two oldest transactions.
Write A Query To Print 1 To 100 In SQL Server Using Without Loop In this blog, we will print 1 to 100 numbers in SQL Server without using while loop.
See pic below. What you posted were not tables; they have no keys.
Why do you think that the proprietary, old Sybase identity table property has any meaning in RDBMS? This is like believing that your automobile is identified by whatever its current parking space is.Why do not any of your tables have valid constraints and references clauses?Here are my guesses and what you might have meant, with changes to bring the data elements up to ISO 11179 standards, add constraints and correct datatypes. The GTIN is an industry-standard way of identifying trade items. The identifier is never, never a numeric;what math were you going to do with it.CREATE TABLE ItemLocations(itemgtin CHAR 15 NOT NULLREFERENCES Inventory(itemgtin),itemlocation VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (itemgtin, itemlocation),onhandqty INTEGER NOT NULL); -Item master table, one row per item/location. What are you still doing slumming it in T-SQL forums? So glad you took the time to reply - I never feel complete without a good Celko smack-down of my paltry SQL skills.My humblest apologies Sir Celko. How dare I use a Sybase ID property, fail to include an index or PK, and gasp use a datetime datatype.
One piece last episode. The 'tables' I posted, while admittedly very generic, were meant as a simple representation of what I haveto work with. Oddly, the other respondents grasped the concept of my 'tables' without any issue.Question Mr Celko: Have you never worked at or for a business where you were not free to completely re-engineer the SQL database to suit your idea of the perfect SQL platform? Many of us were provided a SQL system to work with or manage and we cannot modifyit as we see fit. Doing so would break the front-end application.
While Loop In Function Sql Server Download
Believe it or not, there are software vendors out in the wild who do not design their databases according to true ISO standards. So poor chaps like me are stuck with what we were given, andcan merely dream of working with a true Celko-approved system. One can only dream.But I must tell you your solution FAILS.
Yes, it fails. Read the second to last line of my original post. You failed to properly take into account my version constraint of SQL 2008.But thanks anyway. Always a pleasure.
While Loop In Function Sql Server Windows 10
Hii have stored procedure withdeclare @year int,@month intwhile (@month. Hi thax for reply butonce the year has set to @year=@year +1 when month become 13 then how will my @month will again set to one.sorry but forgot to mention that i have initialize the variable year and month before while loopdeclare @year int,@month intset @year=2008set @month=1while (@month.