Republic Commando Hd Mod

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  1. Best Republic Commando Mods
  2. Star Wars Republic Commando Hd Mod

Earlier this year Leon280698 released a mod for the game that made some tweaks to Republic Commando’s visuals, like repairing a long-standing issue with the game’s bump-mapping. In the months. Enjoy playing a complete new feeling of Star Wars Battlefront II. This Mod gives you the taste of Republic Commando with the gameplay of Battlefront II. The mod contains completly new Unit types, weapons, sounds, streams and the RC HUD we all know from the original game.

Dell memory card reader driver. So it's finaly done. The Republic Commando Side Mod is finished. There are still things left i realy like to add,but i'm tired of modding at the moment. So the Side mod itselfe is finished. Enjoy playing and have a nice Christmas time.First of all i want to thank you all for your patience and the help you gave me while i developed this mod.A special thanks goes to Bob and AcealusThrone, who where a part of my Dev-Team for a long time.Enjoy a complete new feeling of SWBFII with new features such as the original RC HUD, ironsights, new fp animations and much more. There are new characters for the cis and the republic, lots of new visual and sound effects, that promise you an realistic republic commando feeling with the gameplay of Star Wars Battlefront II.Images. This Side Mod will change your menu interface.

If you don't like it you can remove it bydeleting/renameing/replacing the rcmdataLVLPCshellrcinterfaceshell.lvl file.Install:Run the installerUninstall:Run the uninstaller in the.addonRCM folder. Make sure to uninstall the user and gc script in the GameDataDataLVLPC folder on your own. older versions Install:RCM Side mod - Put the rcm folder in your.Star Wars Battlefront IIGameDataaddon folder.BF1 Map support - Put the zrc folder in your.Star Wars Battlefront IIGameDataaddon folder.Galactic Conquest - look in the ReadMegc.txt file.User Script - look in the ReadMeus.txt file.


I have to say Anakin, I'm very impressed. I fully enjoyed the gameplay, but saw some small things that could be fixed. The loadscreen tips could be tweaked, and some different music streams added. I absolutely love the HUD and all of the secondary weapons.

Your effects are amazing! How did you get the menu screen to load from your RCM folder? I mean, using that method makes it so much easier install. I can't say enough of how beautiful the mod is visually, and how effective the battles are wherever.


JimmyAngler wrote:I have to say Anakin, I'm very impressed. I fully enjoyed the gameplay, but saw some small things that could be fixed. The loadscreen tips could be tweaked, and some different music streams added. I absolutely love the HUD and all of the secondary weapons. Your effects are amazing! How did you get the menu screen to load from your RCM folder? I mean, using that method makes it so much easier install.

I can't say enough of how beautiful the mod is visually, and how effective the battles are wherever.Thank you. What do you mean i need to fix?? About the menu, i made two custom shell.lvl one for the icon and one for the menu. That one is loaded just like a normal shell there are some tuts about custom shells.

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I was actually told about the mod by its creator 'Leon2806' in the comments of this video here:The lead programmer on the game along with some guests talk about the development of the game while he plays it in the background. There's lots of really cool incite into how the game was made. So I recommend it to anyone who's interested in Republic Commando or game development in the early 2000's. Fun Fact: Brett Douville got his job at LucasArts through a cold call to Tim Schafer!. I have thoughts about one of the points made in the commentary:The lead programmer for Republic Commando stated that he preferred the black/white morality that most games featured before the Star Wars prequels, where the good guys were entirely good and the bad guys were entirely evil, without any grey area in between. He liked Tie Fighter because the game doesn't hide from the fact that the player is evil and going on evil missions, whereas in the Star Wars games of today, post Star Wars prequels, there is too much grey area.

He doesn't like the fact that the republic commandos (good guys) eventually become stormtroopers (bad guys).Whelp. I, for one, disagree. I love the idea that Jedi aren't intrinsically good and are only concerned with maintaining force balance - which might mean fucking over a planet by not protecting it, when it might even be easy to protect. I love the idea that the Sith aren't intrinsically evil and only concerned with passion and power - which might look like a Jedi renegade pursuing a love affair and delving into Sith teachings to benefit his mercenary coffers.I donno, what do you guys think?. Yeah, I think in the hands of a competent writer a Political Drama about the fall of the Republic could have been really interesting.

Best Republic Commando Mods

Instead it's just:'why are they trying to assassinate Padme, why doesn't the Senate care about the secret clone army, why is the trade federation disrupting trade by starting a war, why doesn't Dooku do anything about being betrayed, what is the rebellion against the Republic even about, why does the Senate give up power for no reason after they haven't even lost a battle, why doesn't anyone think it's suspicious to kill all the jedi for no reason, why doesn't Anakin get pissed off after Sheev reveals he doesn't know how to save Padme, etc.' I really hope that they retcon the entire 2nd trilogy after Lucas dies to make it not completely stupid. But here it's different because it was an ongoing story that got shot in the face:Old canon being changed is fine, the story is still there and whatever people say I will still enjoy the Thrawn Trilogy. Here it's a serie that got stopped because of this change.Not to mention the change is quite idiotic, and quite hurtful for long time fans.

Star Wars Republic Commando Hd Mod

I mean they could have picked any guys rather than people from Mandalore, it's just a white collar call to make things that link the new generation (that doesn't know shit about mandalore) and the old one (who obviously got pissed by this change, something they overlooked at lucasfilm).As for episode 7, at some point it was considered that Zahn books where 7-8-9:).