Dragon Age 2 Companions Armor
I'm on my way to start the expedition into the Deep Roads but then I noticed this message while a level loads that says you can upgrade your companion's armor. All I could think of is '.Wait.What? How?' I'm looking through the options for inventory and I can't see any possible way to upgrade it in any way. I tried to google it and I'm getting a listing of shops and missions where I can find these items.
Dragon Age II is the sequel to BioWare's critically acclaimed Dragon Age: Origins. Dragon Age II tells the decade long story of Hawke, a refugee of Lothering and Champion of Kirkwall. The game features a redesigned art style, a voiced main character, and a dialogue wheel similar to the one featured in the Mass Effect series. This tells you that Hawke is wearing Blood Dragon Armor as the chest part of the armor. You can usually tell by the abbreviations what part of the armor is what if you think a minute. – Click on the line just below 1, and you’ll see prm000imbloodchest in the box below.
Now, I made absolutely sure that I visited every piece of the map for treasure. So if I have it.how do I equip it? And where is it? Are these gifts?I'm so lost.Help me.
That should tell you everything you need to know! But a quick summary: if you look on a companion's inventory screen there will be four little slots underneath the image of their armor.
Dragon Age 2 Followers
Each companion has 4 upgrade pieces that add rune slots, hp, attack, etc. You find them at various places across all 3 acts. A few are sold by vendors as well.
Dragon Age 2 Companions Armor Upgrades
The page I linked has the location for each. And once you find/buy the upgrade it is instantly applied to the companion and permantly there. You probably found one or two already without realizing it but I hope this helps.